Day Findr

Connect with your destination.

Dat Findr Mockup

Project Overview

Every traveler wants to have a unique, authentic experience at their destination. This goal calls many of us to travel in the first place: discovering the spaces and experiences that make each destination one of a kind. As people travel more and more frequently, individuals are looking to be more than a tourist. They’re looking for experiences that make them a traveler.

The Problem

Travelers find it challenging to plan full-day itineraries while sourcing authentic, cultural experiences at their destination. This planning process is time-consuming and travelers lack to appropriate resources for finding these experiences.

The Solution

Provide travelers with a tool for finding customized, culturally representative day itineraries and activities. Day Findr incorporates users' interests and local highlights to offer tailored travel options. By creating customized itineraries and suggestions, Day Findr saves travelers time and ensures they discover authentic experiences.


UX Researcher, UX/UI Designer, Usability Tester


80 Hours
November 22nd-December 10th, 2022


Figma, Miro, Google Suite, Zoom


Travel itineraries tailored for each user's interests.

Utilizing user interests to build customized, engaging itineraries. Because we all want a unique connection to our destinations.

Day Findr Highlights One

Seamlessly book adventures. We'll keep it all organized.

In-app third party booking allows users to book all the necessary reservations for their itinerary and keep their reservations and tickets organized in one accessible location.

Day Findr Highlights 2


Research Design

5 Interviews
Among people 20-40 years old who travel more than two times a year.
To Examine
How travelers plan and budget for new experiences
A desire for a more efficient planning process and access to unique experiences.

User Persona

Started with one problem, uncovered another.

I set out to understand travelers' logistic and budgetary concerns when planning new trips, but discovered that users were more concerned with finding authentic, unique experiences at their destination.

Day Findr User Persona Photo

Casey Simms

Age: 28
Occupation: Human Resources Director
Location: Portland, Oregon

Casey is a Human Resources Director at a healthcare company. She values efficiency and is solution-oriented in her professional role. Casey also has a strong sense of adventure and enjoys learning about other cultures. She frequently travels for conferences, weddings, and concerts.


  • Discover authentic experiences.

  • Feel a sense of connection to her destination.

  • Easy and quick activity planning.

  • Keep travel costs within her budget.

Pain Points

  • Generic and touristy experiences.

  • Feeling responsible when planning activities with other people.

  • Inefficient and time consuming planning processes.


Feature Prioritization

Balancing complexity and impact, with value and timeline.

Feature identification was a process of balancing complexity with impact, unique features with available technology, and value with time constraints. These aspects were combined with user feedback to identify the main features for development.

Supporting Map Photo

I wish...

I could input a budget and see suggested itineraries within it.

I could efficiently book a variety of small, authentic experiences.

I could get suggested itineraries based on interests.

It was easier to compile my activities and get public transit routes.

Travel Destination Photo

User Journey Map

How does this product help users in the real world?

By charting this user's path, I was able to visualize their challenges and desires, resulting in solutions that enhance a seamless and unique travel experience. Some of these solutions included budget filtering, in-app third-party reservations, and scenic public transit routes.

User Journey Map Diagram
User Journey Mao #2

User shares interests and motivations for travel. Product provides specialized itineraries.

User Journey Map #3

User is able to filter suggested itineraries based on ideal daily budget.

User Journey Map #6

Product assists user in purchasing tickets and reservations directly from third part providers. These items are organized for easy access.

User Journey Map #8

Product provides scenic transit routes throughout the itinerary.

User Journey Map #9

Product provides user with location based updates as they move through the itinerary.


User Testing

There’s such an exciting feeling when you get your product into the hands of potential users.

Testing sessions were conducted with the digital wireframe version of Day Findr. The results were analyzed using a User Testing Matrix to identify common feedback themes and high-priority items for users.

Homescreen - iPhone 8 Mockup

Users expressed a desire to explore trips and itineraries beyond the "Plan a New Trip" user flow.

An Explore option was added to the homescreen so users could peruse selected itineraries.

Plan a New Trip Screen - iPhone 8 Mockup

When beginning a new trip, users were unsure of how to include their location, dates, and budget.

Additional language was added to the new trip screen to ensure that users understand what to expect from the planning process.

Third Party Booking Screen - iPhone 8 Mockup

The Third Party Booking process received positive reviews. Users found it accessible and convenient.

Given this feedback, this component of the user experience was retained for future versions.

The app to make your next trip an adventure.

This iOS prototype implements the results of user testing sessions and adheres to the specifications of the Human Interface Guidelines. Application of iOS grids and UI patterns helped bring this design to a more finalized product.

Take a moment to have your own Day Findr experience.

iOS Prototype Image Link

iOS Prototype

Final Thoughts

Identifying the Problem

I began the research phase of the product believing that many travelers struggled to budget for activities at their destination and, as a result, often overspent. Through my research, I found that travelers were more concerned with sourcing authentic, unique experiences than with staying within budget. This discovery reframed my focus to these types of activities and resulted in a whole new area of travel planning to explore.

Honing the Features

Throughout the iteration and prototyping process, I found myself honing and paring down the features I wanted Day Findr to offer. It was easy to begin the process with a long list of interesting and exciting features to design. Through a combination of competitor analysis and mentor feedback, I realized the need to modify my design to target an underserved corner of the travel market.

Cyclical Process

This initial project was a great first exploration into the cyclical process. Iterating, testing, and investigating the results helped me further understand the needs of users as well as best design practices. I am eager to expand on this learning experience by iterating on these designs, conducting further user testing, and updating the UI.